Books by ImpactParents

We are proud to share that we've sold more than 50,000+ books!
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Our first book, Parenting ADHD Now! Easy Intervention Strategies to Empower Kids with ADHD, has sold 20,000+ copies since 2016 and won the National Parenting Book Award in 2018.

Our newest book was released in 2023, Parenting with Impact. It includes podcast interviews with leading experts, followed by coaching tools and concepts targeted to support each expert conversation.

When raising complex kids — with ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Depression, Learning Disabilities, Gender identity differences and so much more — you need a guidebook to help you navigate the muddy waters. The Essential Guide provides:

  • A simple yet profoundly effective method for tackling any challenging circumstances with your complex kids using the Impact Model for change.
  • Both practical and conceptual strategies, with a clear path to improve relationships, manage mindsets, set realistic expectations and foster independence and success.
  • Specific strategies, tactics, tips and mindsets for addressing challenge areas familiar to most families.
  • Methods to improve all aspects of communication with complex kids.
  • A Discussion Group Guide with questions for parent and school groups to learn to apply the principles of the coach-approach.
Praise for The Essential Guide
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"My favorite parenting book, bar none!  Raising complex kids is tough and Taylor-Klaus nails it. A ‘must-read’ lifeline for parents of struggling kids. This book will transform your life."

~ Melissa Orlov, Founder of

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"With wit and wisdom that can only come from experience, Elaine Taylor-Klaus reminds fellow parents that they really can make a difference in the lives of their complex kids, and she guides them to do just that."

~ Susan Stiffelman, MFT, author of Parenting Without Power Struggles and Parenting With Presence

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"This smart, practical book will make a difference not only in your child’s life, but also in yours. If you’re tired of working too hard for too little, let Elaine show you a better path."

~ Ari Tuckman, PsyD, CST. Psychologist and author of four books on ADHD, including ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship

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"When I heard Elaine Taylor-Klaus say this book is good for parents of complex kids between the ages of 3 and 33, including young adults that have not fully launched, I knew I had to have it. I devoured it within a few hours (it's an easy and enjoyable read) and am now starting my second, more methodical read with a highlighter in hand to mark the parts that are the most relevant to my family. This book will help parents of complex kids to realize they're not as alone as they may have thought they were. Honestly, there's good stuff in here for parents of non-complex kids too. I only wish I had read this book 25 years ago when my kids were young! (This photo shows how dog-eared the book became after my first reading!)"

~ Stacy W.

"As I was reading The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids, I thought: “What a wonderful gift Elaine Taylor-Klaus has given to parents.” If this book had been written 30 years ago, I would have made it required reading for all the parents (and teachers and mental health specialists) I have ever worked with. It is certainly now on the top of my “must read” list, and I am recommending it every chance I get.

I have read many parenting books in my long career, and I must say this is the first one I’ve found that weaves knowledge, emotion and personal experience into a comforting fabric you just want to wrap around yourself if you’re a parent of a complex child.

Elaine’s writing makes you feel like she’s sitting across from you--a trusted friend offering you tea, support, advice and encouragement. She bravely and generously shares stories from her own experience as a complex parent of complex kids, as well as lessons learned from her interactions with thousands of parents in her role as a coach and co-founder of ImpactADHD® and Sanity School®.

The book is helpfully organized according to the types of challenges faced by parents, so that the reader can quickly get to the sections that speak most immediately to their needs. By presenting the reader with a coaching model that makes absolute sense, case studies, links to web-based resources and references to the work of other parenting gurus, it is an indispensable guide for those seeking “a new path to grow into the kind of parent your kids need, which is ultimately the kind of parent you want to be.”

Page after well-organized page is filled with facts, anecdotes, sensible and effective strategies, and wise counsel. This extremely well-written book lives up to its claim as “The Essential Guide.” You’ll want to read it cover to cover, and then keep it on your nightstand, for it will surely become your “how to” manual as you learn to shift from “parenting from desperation to parenting from inspiration.”

~ Jerome Schultz, Ph.D. Clinical Neuropsychologist, Harvard Medical School
Author: Nowhere to Hide: Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It

Available in both paper & digital formats.

"Not only is this an Essential Guide, full of imperative information in every paragraph, but it is a lovely extension of Elaine's coach heart. Moms and dads reading this book will feel completely heard, understood, supported and loved upon the turn of every page. For a parent at the beginning of this journey, or even a few miles in, the information and resources laid out in this book will provide months of "go to’s" and learning." 

Tami M, MA, mother and ImpactParents community member

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"This book is spot on!! I have turned to Elaine Taylor-Klaus for advice for years and always admired the work she and her partner, Diane, have done for families trying to manage the effects (and benefits) of ADHD and other complex issues. This book is an easy read with fabulous advice. A must read for those trying to navigate the challenging waters of parenting a complex child."

We are certain you’ll benefit from these resources, just like thousands of other parents in our community ... because this is the information we wish we had understood earlier when parenting the six complex kids between our two families!

*Note: Some links on this site are "affiliate links." As an Amazon Associate we earn fractional revenue from qualifying purchases.

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