What parents say about being a member in our community!
"I have found the laser coaching in Office Hours fascinating. I haven't actually asked a question, but watching the coaching magic unfold has given me a brilliant model for how to approach issues with my kids (or anyone really!)."
- Katie J., Abingdon, UK
"I have found your support and coaching to be the best intervention we have had and I have really made progress! My son's guidance counselor has said that to me the last 2 times we talked!"
- Amy S, NJ
"Office Hours calls can be very powerful as Elaine & Diane expertly balance compassion with call to action. I greatly appreciate the support that ImpactParents provides to my wife and me, and to so many other families like ours."
- Don S, WA
"Joining the Impact community has empowered me and validated me. I am now gratefully tapped into a community of parents and experts who understand and are making a difference in my life and my family’s life."
- Suzann K, GA
"I want to tell you how wonderful Impact is. We’re an Aspie family, and there’s such valuable parenting and coping content that translates well to our family life. It's an incredible thing you’re doing. There is so much power in building community and sharing ideas and experiences. Thank you."
- Mary Anne K
"I wanted to let you know just how amazing I think your program is, and how wonderful you as mentors. Having all the wisdom in your programs and the online community has been wonderful."
- XO, Melissa M
"Now that I have a better idea what is actually happening in my children’s brains, I am more patient. To hear others share stories, or ask the exact same questions I have had over the years, I now feel less alone in this struggle. It has been a HUGE lifeline to be a part of a community that knows what we are struggling with. I only wish I had found you sooner!!!!!"
- Lori H